Today, I want to intoduce... "PIGG Fishing in Mobile" !
This is only for iphone / ipad users... T^T.. for now..
First, download the game from the App Store.
If you download it, the icon looks like this.
When you play the game, the screen looks like this.. (you need a pigg account before)
on the main menu, you can either 1. play the game, 2. go to the closet, 3. see today's rank, or 4. play gotcha.
1. play the game.
It is a very simple game.
There are 5 stages in the game.
also there are quests in every stage.
now, choose the rod and the bait, and let's fish !!
game itself is very simple.
2. Closet
3. Ranking System
Daily Ranking updated at 6:00 A.M. in PST.
There are prizes for daily Rankers.
There are 3 prizes, but actually points are useless. Only Token is useful.
and you have to be in Number 100 to get qualified for the token.
To get in Ranking 100, you have to catch quite a lot of fishes.
For 4 days, these are the numbers of fishes caught who quilified in Ranking 100:
Thurs, Dec.1st : 343 fishes
Fri, Dec. 2nd: 337 fishes
Sat, Dec. 3rd: 361 fishes
Sun, Dec. 4th: 361 fishes
Sum up, you have to catch about 400 fishes a day to guarantee to be in Ranking 100 (for Token)
And if u get in Ranking 100, you get token the next day.
4. Gotcha
So.. what can you do with this token?
You can play GOTCHA!!
There are five kinds of gotchas.
You can get costumes from gotcha ONLY.
But you don't get new item everytime.. sometimes you get same item and it automatically recycled to points.
Anyways, I am still having fun with this game, and i hope u enjoy this too!