Pico is having 3 times slot machine event now.
Check this out:
How to play this is so simple.
If you keep play with MAX, then you will win eventually because it's 3 times then normal.
Also, you will need to click bonus sometimes.
It is so simple to play slot machine, then how about we use macro to do this instead?
Well,, we need to click this button.
OK, first of all, let's download Macro Express.
it's 30 days trial, but you can use my fake license information if you want.
(It's kinda bugging cuz they know that it's fake and they shut down the program everytime I stop the macro, but you can still use it though; Name (xxMiraclex mp2k), Code (d531-0d70-10f6-2a71))
You need to make a very simple loop today.
If you install and start the macro express, then you will see something like this.
Click on Scripting Editor.
Click yes.
Choose the hot key (the macro start key) and click on scripting editor.
For Example, choose 'ctrl +E'.
This is my simple macro.
All the Command keys are on the left side, so you can easily find them.
I'll explain what those are.
This simple macro have one loop (10,000 times; which is the same with infinite time for me) contains a loop (50 times).
Inside loop (line 2 to line 6) which will repeat 50 times will
click the MAX button in the slot machine.
If you can't make this macro for yourself, then follow this step.
Now, you need to find where the MAX button in your screen. (It is different with each computers, so you have to find it's point for your own.)
If you click the tools -> mouse locator, then you will see this.
Now, go back to slot machine in your pico window, and find where the MAX button is.
Remember, this position will different in your computer.
If you found the screen position of your MAX button, then go back to Macro script.
Rest scripts are same.
Other four positions (line 7, 10, 13, 16) are just the locations for the gift for bonus time.
Now you are ready to go!
Save this, and start with the hot key (ex: ctrl + E).
When you want to close this macro, right click the running man on your right bottom corner.
If you really don't get this, then you can ask questions by sending letters to 'jusun'. (my pico nick name)
You can make better macro than me, of course.
Now you can use this macro to play slot machine when you sleep!
Good LUCK!! You also might win the jackpot! It's 3 millions now ^^
March. 25th / 2011