2011년 3월 30일

Pet Cafe OPEN !!

Now you can feed your pets here for free!

Search 'jusun' from your pico buddy list... and you will find them!

jusun  ♬ - dog has FREE DOG FOOD
jusun  ♬ - cat has FREE CAT FOOD
jusun  ♬ - tor has FREE TORTOISE FOOD
jusun  ♀ - Pan has FREE PANDA FOOD
jusun  ♂ - Tig has FREE TIGER FOOD

Happy PICO !!

March. 30th / 2011

2011년 3월 25일

Auto Slot Machine !

Pico is having 3 times slot machine event now.
Check this out: http://info.pico.ameba.net/2011/03/23/casino-lucky-triple-slot-campaign/

How to play this is so simple.
If you keep play with MAX, then you will win eventually because it's 3 times then normal.
Also, you will need to click bonus sometimes.

It is so simple to play slot machine, then how about we use macro to do this instead?

Well,, we need to click this button.

OK, first of all, let's download Macro Express.


it's 30 days trial, but you can use my fake license information if you want.
(It's kinda bugging cuz they know that it's fake and they shut down the program everytime I stop the macro, but you can still use it though; Name (xxMiraclex mp2k), Code (d531-0d70-10f6-2a71))

You need to make a very simple loop today.

If you install and start the macro express, then you will see something like this.

Click on Scripting Editor.

Click yes.

 Choose the hot key (the macro start key) and click on scripting editor.
For Example, choose 'ctrl +E'.

This is my simple macro.
All the Command keys are on the left side, so you can easily find them.

I'll explain what those are.

This simple macro have one loop (10,000 times; which is the same with infinite time for me) contains a loop (50 times).

Inside loop (line 2 to line 6) which will repeat 50 times will click the MAX button in the slot machine.

If you can't make this macro for yourself, then follow this step.

Now, you need to find where the MAX button in your screen. (It is different with each computers, so you have to find it's point for your own.)

If you click the tools -> mouse locator, then you will see this.

Now, go back to slot machine in your pico window, and find where the MAX button is.

Remember, this position will different in your computer.

If you found the screen position of your MAX button, then go back to Macro script.

Rest scripts are same.

Other four positions (line 7, 10, 13, 16) are just the locations for the gift for bonus time.

Now you are ready to go!

Save this, and start with the hot key (ex: ctrl + E).

When you want to close this macro, right click the running man on your right bottom corner.

If you really don't get this, then you can ask questions by sending letters to 'jusun'. (my pico nick name)

You can make better macro than me, of course.

Now you can use this macro to play slot machine when you sleep!

Good LUCK!! You also might win the jackpot! It's 3 millions now ^^

March. 25th / 2011

2011년 3월 20일


Have you heard about the 'GIFT LINK'?

If you haven't heard about that, then how about check out this web site: http://chocolatepico.blogspot.com/

As you know.. pico has a lot of problems, and also 'gift link' is one of them.

There are a lot of blogs, facebook groups, or other websites that contains some gift links.

They will provide you foods, mystery boxes, etc.

(I'll try to post some of 'gift links' later)

What if pico knows about all of these, and.. what if they don't try to fix these problems?

Well.. I guess we have to use these tricks then.

Oh.. btw it's for FB users only!

First, receive 100 gifts before you start this.


Otherwise, you will just get this items, not gummies..

ok.. now let's click 'gift link'.

I click these links by opening in new tabs; mouse right click + w (or ctrl + left click)

I open 10 links in a time, and close them.

Ok, I received 50 items.. let's go check it now.

If you log in again, then the gummies have changed 7926 -> 8426 ( +500).

Pico will automatically recycle the items (including foods), 10 gummies per item.

Isn't this great? It will take less than 5 minutes to click those links.

Hmm.. What if these links are not available or you already recieved all gifts, but you need more gummies?

Well.. then you can also send the gift by yourself, too!

Just send any gift using Opera, from other FB accounts.

You will do the same steps when you have sent requests for special rice balls: http://jusunkim.blogspot.com/2011/03/how-to-get-unlimited-special-rice-balls.html

Do this over and over and...

and you will be rich in gummies!


March. 20th /2011

2011년 3월 16일

How to get UNLIMITED 'Special Rice Balls'

There is special event  going on about special rice ball, 3/10~3/31. http://info.pico.ameba.net/2011/03/10/invite-your-friends-to-get-special-rice-balls/

Are you getting tired of sending request to your friend only once a day and waiting?

HERE COMES How to get UNLIMITED 'Specail Rice Balls'!
(Before you do this, it's better to make second Facebook account; *actually this method works the same when you sending other free gifts*)

First, download Opera. http://www.opera.com/download

Second, log in to pico through 'Opera'.

Third, ask your friend for rice ball as much as you want.

If you send the gift through Opera, then you will see pop up at the right bottom corner.

Now close the original friend's list and do it again.
**If you send it again from the same window, then you will send the fake link to your friend (your buddy will get the message like: 'Request is already accepted'.)

Fourth, log into other account and accept the request.

Don't worry. If you send the request through opera, then all requests are real.

Fifth, log in back to your account, and surprise!

And when you log in again, then you will see new quest there, so it's unlimited!

Get special rice balls as much as you can, and get 'Legendary ninja suit!'

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Mar. 17th / 2011

2011년 3월 10일

How to cheat Reversi !

Sometime... gummies are more important than AG.

I want Tiara...

This is so pretty...

Collecting 1300 gummies (1000 + 300 bonus) per day is not easy.
Especially if you don't have enough food in your pocket, it's impossible to collect them all without playing games.

So.. This is how I do...

I log in with other account at the same time.

It's actually very easy to log in with two IDs at the same time.

1. Just open a New Browser.
2. Log in to Facebook with other account
3. Log in to pico with that account

So Simple, huh?

And here comes how to cheat on Reversi!

Just Follow this step!

Just Memorize this pattern,
and now you can collect 1300 gummies per day easily.

March. 10th / 2011